Holy Innocents
Prayers for all those, for whatever reason and through no fault of their own, go back to God too soon.
Labels: miscarriage
Motherhood is hard work. If we don't stick together, we'll all fall apart.
Prayers for all those, for whatever reason and through no fault of their own, go back to God too soon.
Labels: miscarriage
We have what is technically called "too much."
Madeleine has become a fan of Holly Hobbie. We started with the classic rag dolls, just in time for the plastic posable ones (it's currently in my closet). Anyway, she's seen the character on the advertisements on our most frequently watched channel, Noggin. You know, the one without outside commercials 12 hours a day?
I'm done shopping. Even if I run out of toilet paper, I'm done with stores for the season.
Danielle Bean wrote about a phenomenon she called "fake laundry." It would drive me nuts, too. My kids are trained to put their stuff in the hamper in their bedroom--and they do it (I've told you before, they're weird).
The computer published that title before I could actually post anything. Go figure.
It means something. It's not just fun and games.
Labels: commentary
It's a concession to our youth-enamored culture to admit that I've noticed and I don't like it. And I know others have it worse; I'm only 35. But I'm coming to grips with my own aging and mortality.
We're done with our Christmas shopping, except for each other.
This is a very bad thing.
I've had a post percolating about the real reason Christmas is December 25, based on the original Christians being Jewish (that forgotten Jewish idea of dying on the date of your conception or birth) and thus pretty indifferent to the dating of any pagan festivals. Now Mark comes up with the history showing that the pagan festival was scheduled after December 25 was already recognized as significant, as in centuries after.
One of the reasons we're homeschooling is because I'm lazy.
Labels: homeschooling
She consciously wants to help me. I don't know how much of what she does and says is normal and how much is more than average. When I call her our "reassurance baby," I'm not exaggerating. I really think we're doing something right with that one and I hope the others follow her example.
Labels: kids
In mulling that recent post, I realized my presumption was, "Why do people have only X number of children?" My brain completely misfired on the fact that there are those who have no children, for whatever reason.
Labels: commentary
Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).
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I happened on this discussion over at Summa Mamas about personal versus public, and why it's commonplace to hear the "We're done!" announcement.
Labels: commentary
Our parish moms' club has an annual gift exchange. Since there are only about six of us, it's not a big deal time-wise. I'll admit, though, that I know some of them better than others. This year, I had one I don't know terribly well, though when we've sat next to each other at candle parties we got along just fine.
Dale and I still write Christmas lists. Despite being happily married for seven years and a couple four more than that, we still need guidance to give each other what they want. That's a whole other post, trying to please one's spouse. Let's just stick with Christmas lists and happiness for this time around.
Labels: commentary, personal
Thanks, Sarah.
For those who haven't visited my husband's blog recently, here are a few of the kids' latest pics.
Yeah, he agreed to raise the kids Catholic and I agreed to raise them Wolverines. Ours is a marriage of compromise.
My brother, my sister, and my father. It's weird to say.