Domestic Bliss Report

Motherhood is hard work. If we don't stick together, we'll all fall apart.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas gift exchange woes

Our parish moms' club has an annual gift exchange. Since there are only about six of us, it's not a big deal time-wise. I'll admit, though, that I know some of them better than others. This year, I had one I don't know terribly well, though when we've sat next to each other at candle parties we got along just fine.
Her list was not especially helpful. "Anything religious." We have a varied degree of educational background and religious adherence in our club; I'll admit I'm kind of on the high end of both, but not all are. I wasn't too sure where she stood on either. I settled on something that, despite Priority Mail, DID NOT ARRIVE IN TIME.
"Anything religious." Um, to quote Dale, you just gave the gun to the baby. And now we know it's loaded.
A statue? Of a patron saint. Who is that? No saint Sandra. Then who? Um, doesn't everyone love St. Francis? What if she already has one? What if she doesn't know who he is? The Holy Family! That's it! But statues without sentimental meaning are really just dust collectors and I don't want to do that. And what if she thinks it's just for Christmas? So now what?

A book! I'll get her a book! There's a whole new can of worms. Something less than Aquinas but more challenging than Amy Welborn's Prove It! series, we're talking a grown woman here. Something from TAN might scare her off; let's aim for Ignatius. Thomas Howard is a little on the high end; do they have any Mark Shea? He's eminently readable and orthodox. No Shea. Nuts. Oh, I wish Dale were here; he'd keep me from getting some hidden Crossan or Chittister. What do I do?
I took a breath and played the odds. I know Gen-Xers are in general poorly catechized, to put it charitably. So let's start simple. The Catechism reads more like a textbook, so that's out. Familiar author, then... I found something--tragically, I can't remember the title. Something like, 52 Questions and Answers About the Catholic Church, and I recognized the author. Kreeft? Hahn? Madrid? Can you tell I was in something of a rush? I'll ask her. Because I want it too.
Turns out she's a convert, not a cradle Catholic. So this was an excellent place to start.

UPDATE: It was Karl Keating's What Catholics Really Believe--Setting the Record Straight: 52 Answers to Common Misconceptions About the Catholic Faith.
And from the reviews on Amazon, this was the perfect place to start.


At 6:00 AM, Blogger Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I can't recommend "Holiness for Housewives and Other Working Women" enough (by Dom Hubert Van Zeller) - about "Finding God among the dirty dishes and diapers"
One year, my mom typed the Magnificat on pretty printer paper and framed it. I still display it.


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