Domestic Bliss Report

Motherhood is hard work. If we don't stick together, we'll all fall apart.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Touring... Detroit?!

Yes, I mean that seriously.

Back in my pre-son days, I'd get catalogs of trips to take with students. You know the kind; visit six different hotels in ten days kind of thing. Visit France, Belgium, and Monaco over spring break. There were all different kinds. I saw ones for Civil War battle sites, World War II sites, even Talkeetna in Alaska and a rain forest trip to Costa Rica. Nobody went to Mexico, though...

I got to thinking. We're a major metropolitan area. We have all four major sports teams, three of which play within the city limits. Here in Detroit, we have a fantastic art museum and a quality zoo, not to mention a worthwhile science center. Now we're even listed in Spectacular Strolls, as well. What's the deal? Why not have a Detroit touring experience?

Let's play with themes. The Immigrant Experience. To make it easy, let's go with the African history. We've got the Museum of African American History, right? We could start there to give the background of slavery. A day or two at Greenfield Village to show the technology folks were working with. Maybe a visit to a stop on the Underground Railroad. We've got the Motown Museum, too, for the twentieth century.

An alternative could be the early automotive industry. Come during the Detroit Grand Prix, check out the Renaissance Center, try the Rouge Tour. On your way out to Meadowbrook for a play, visit the Chrysler museum.

If you think that's too much heavy stuff, take time for a show. There are plenty to choose from, you know. Or take in a sporting event [if you haven't heard of the Tigers, Red Wings, Pistons and Lions by now, too bad. For your penance you can look them up yourself.] If the group I went to Quebec with can count roller skating, I can count a game.

Sure, Chicago has cool stuff. But so does my beloved Detroit. Who else has a theme and places to go with it? Post it and leave a comment.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger momwithbrownies said...

I blurbed about your post. LOVE IT!


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