Domestic Bliss Report

Motherhood is hard work. If we don't stick together, we'll all fall apart.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Before I retreat to my comfortable anonymity

I'll admit I've been embarrassed by all of the attention in the form of posts and prayers since Friday. Mark Shea, Amy Welborn, Rod Dreher, Chris Johnson, Dom and Melanie Bettinelli... These are some big guns in my Third-Tallest-Building-in-Topeka world. Why? I guess I have this "I don't really deserve all of this" inability to ask for help. Martyrdom, something. Dale has had to say more than once (though not recently), "Get off the cross, we need the wood."

I was checking around looking for one of my links that wouldn't have anything about me... and it did. Weird. I expected it from here, and certainly here, just not here.

So all of this publicity has me wanting to crawl under a rock, somewhat. All this fuss about me? I'm just this homeschooling stay-at-home mom who makes semi-regular forays to the Catholic blogosphere, trying to raise my kids to be contributing members of society.

Then I got to thinking. If I'd heard on the news about a 35-year-old otherwise-healthy pregnant wife and mother of 3 with chest pains, I'd say a prayer. A sign of the cross for her, a thought later of "I wonder how that turned out. Well, I hope." Honestly there would be a smidge of "Merciful God, thank you for sparing me that burden." It would affect me.

I guess it is a big deal. If it had turned out to be a heart attack, or a blood clot, where my life really had been in danger, then it would be a very big deal. Perhaps since it turned out to be something so easily treated and unthreatening, it was in answer to all of the many, many prayers.

Thank you all again.



At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Believe me, I know exactly what you mean. When I had my cancer scare, I was completely overwhelmed by the numbers of people praying for me.

For me it was a real awakening to the reality of what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ.

Christ said that if we have faith, we can move mountains. I fervently believe that my good test results were the result of all those powerful prayers being hurled at heaven on my behalf. And I know that the sense of calm that carried me through the long weeks of waiting was from them as well.

And I have to add that since then I've been looking at prayer requests a little bit differently, knowing what it is like to be the one being prayed for. I'm still not a very good pray-er, but I try much, much harder now to remember all the prayer intentions I've been asked to pray for.

And it seems like those requests are coming my way a lot more often in recent days. Or maybe I'm just noticing them more.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Melanie, you more than most would know exactly what I'm talking about.

I just have this feeling that when we go to our annual homeschooling conference next month, I'll introduce myself to someone or a cashier will read my check and they'll recognize my name.
And I'll never have seen them before!

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Mark P. Shea said...


You and Dale are two of my favorite people. How could I not put out a pray alert for you?

Glad all's well!

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Sarah Reinhard said...

Holy smokes! Spend a week or two sleeping, and you come back to find out your blogging pal was in the hospital...and you're pregnant! Congratulations and sorry I didn't know to pray for you! I'm so glad all is well...and I am hurridely (or however that should be spelled...) reading back in the archives...



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